
Showing posts from May 2, 2018

How to make a bad haircut into a new one

Fake it until it’s time for a new one. Girls I know we all have been through this at least ones. Haircuts! Do your self a favor and please learn the history of your hairstylist who will be chopping your hair. Just because they have a great hand with coloring or makeup it definitely does not mean there great with the sessors. I mean don’t get me wrong but man oh man ... please look at thier work !  This is like a duh, actually a big duh but it happens to the best of us. Long story short a small history about me hair. It WAS long and it was a grown out v cut. My hair is thin so cutting my hair  is a dramatic change even if it was three snips. I asked for layers and even showed a picture of what I wanted. I wanted a v cut but with layers not short same length that I had already ( hair was passed my bra strap).  I sat down and I really thought like wow I’m finally getting a cut, this is exciting. But I felt so off  because my hair was dry and fluffy and she didn’t...