How to make a bad haircut into a new one

Fake it until it’s time for a new one. Girls I know we all have been through this at least ones. Haircuts! Do your self a favor and please learn the history of your hairstylist who will be chopping your hair. Just because they have a great hand with coloring or makeup it definitely does not mean there great with the sessors. I mean don’t get me wrong but man oh man ... please look at thier work !  This is like a duh, actually a big duh but it happens to the best of us. Long story short a small history about me hair. It WAS long and it was a grown out v cut. My hair is thin so cutting my hair
 is a dramatic change even if it was three snips. I asked for layers and even showed a picture of what I wanted. I wanted a v cut but with layers not short same length that I had already ( hair was passed my bra strap). 

I sat down and I really thought like wow I’m finally getting a cut, this is exciting. But I felt so off  because my hair was dry and fluffy and she didn’t even re wet it to cut it and it felt like she was just picking up random strands and cutting.  Oh boy was I right ! When she finished I looked in the mirror and I really tried to keep it together. My right side was longer and my left was shorter, the layers were cut straight not diangaled. Oh and my length was bye bye for sure. I kept telling her well can you at least make it look a bit even she snipped more than I just got pissed off. Again I was super holding it in... I was ready to blow. Her excuse was your left side looks wired.. I just 
repeated that in my head; she has to be kidding me. 

She surly was not. Best part she still wanted to cut and I literally looked at her like ugh no. Well I definitely walked the walk of shame. I wanted to just go somewhere else and just start from scratch and cut my hair to the shortest layer ( up to my neck). I don’t know about you ladies but a bad haircut sure brings you down. I finally called some professionals and now I need to wait for a month and they said they were able to fix it. Thank you Lord! There’s at least a save to this horror movie. So the trick to a bad haircut it not flat ironing( your hair pin down. If you blow it straight or flat iron it you will see all the mistakes. If What you need to do is curl them in. Basically your hair always ladies always need to be styled. Until the next cut! I would love to read about your experiences..comment down below and don’t forget to subscribe. 

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