How to organize your daily thoughts

A plan to an easier life. Call me a neat freak but I have learned that as I got older my life responsibilities expanded as well. I’m talking rent, bills, grocery lists, things to do. Well you know the deal. So many things to do in so little time and so many things to remember. I would literally go to the grocery store and go down the check list in my head and of course I would come home and always forget something, it was never a fail. The worst I tell you, just as I thought I would be done. Well it would happen to me with doctors appointments too but thankfully my doctor would call me a day or two ahead of time as a reminder. This sounds so self explanatory...why didn’t I just write it in my iPhone or something. I am just not good with the whole calendar or reminder thing on the iPhone. Why? I have no idea but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one out there with this problem.

It is hilarious how I settled in for a organizing strategy without even planning it out. I had this book in my book shelf wrapped up ready to be gifted out but for some reason either I or my dearest friend never found the time to meet up. It was always a busy day for either of us. Mind you this was a Christmas gift and we are in the last days of April! I finally gave in and accepted the fact that I knew this gift was never going to get to it’s new owner. One day I just got so tired of looking at it and opened it up , Christmas all over again! I even forget what I had bought for my friend and there it was. A blue hard coverd book with a gold script with the words printed “Bucket List”. When I opened it, it was like a sign. Sticky’s with sayings like “important” , “get it done”, “to do” or like “don’t forget”.
Crazy right! It was wrapped in my living room the whole time just waiting for me to run out of 
patience. I kid you not this changed my life and daily tasks. It was missing a calendar but I made one either way. I see myself grabbing this book for everything ... everyday. I note everything down from what I need to what I need to do to things I need to attend to. If your a busy woman , or a mom or even a mom to be this a great how to for organizing yourself. And honesty if your a mom to be than I really feel like this should be a good habit to grab before the baby is born. I mean that is one thing you want to have narrowed down and than losing your mind over so many things bunched up in your head. It’s a great way to organize your self and give yourself a break. Comment down below if you know any good sites for planners or if your on the planner boat like me. Subscribe and until next time loves!


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